Life is like riding a Bicycle in order to Keep Your Balance you must Keep Moving ~ Albert Einstein #justkeepmoving #keepyourbalance #keepmovingforward

Life is like riding a Bicycle in order to Keep Your Balance you must Keep Moving ~ Albert Einstein #justkeepmoving #keepyourbalance #keepmovingforward #fitnessmotivation #happyfriday #sanclemente #staybalanced #lifeislikeabike #alberteinstein

If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t walk then Crawl, But whatever you have to Just Keep Moving Forward. Martin Luther King Jr. #amen #justkeepmoving #keepmovingforward #martinlutherkingjr #motivationquotes #fitnessmotivation #maketodaygreat

The quote from the man that got me moving to start this page over a year ago. One of my favorites from him. If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t walk then Crawl, But whatever you have to Just Keep Moving Forward. Martin Luther King Jr. #amen #justkeepmoving #keepmovingforward #martinlutherkingjr #motivationquotes #fitnessmotivation #maketodaygreat

Sweat Cleanses from the Inside, It Comes from a Place a Shower will Never Reach. #justkeepmoving #sweatcleanses #didyousweattoday #getyoursweaton #fitnessmotivation

Sweat Cleanses from the Inside, It Comes from a Place a Shower will Never Reach. #justkeepmoving #sweatcleanses #didyousweattoday #getyoursweaton #fitnessmotivation

#MonSlay Happy Monday, Motivated, Determined and Ready to Slay the Day!

  #MonSlay Happy Monday, Motivated, Determined and Ready to Slay the Day! Just finished last weeks 5 day Leg and Butt challenge, On to Day 54 of the #100daychallenge. Excited to jump into the week to see what is in store.